American Indian Workshop

AIW 2025

46th American Indian Workshop

26 - 28 March 2025

North American Indigenous Languages, Literature, and Culture
Current Research

Dpto. Filología Inglesa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Madrid/Spain

Organizers: Avelino Corral Esteban



Call for Papers [PDF]

Webpage: [tba]

Registration: [tba]

Program: [tba]

Call for Papers

Organizer: Avelino Corral Esteban


We are pleased to announce that the 46th. American Indian Workshop will be hosted at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, between 26-28 March 2025.

We invite papers on any topic related to Indigenous studies. Proposals focusing on North American Indigenous languages and traditional storytelling are particularly welcome:


  • Indigenous Linguistic Expressions

  • Indigenous Language Revival Programs

  • Sign Language

  • Writing systems

  • ...etc.


  • Indigenous Literature

  • Literature about Indigenous People

  • Storytelling

  • Indigenous Publications

  • ...etc.

Indigenous Culture:

  • History

  • Socio Cultural Aspects

  • Religion

  • Economy

  • Legislation

  • Material Culture (Art, Objects, etc.)

  • Indigenous Representations in Museums

  • Non-Material Culture (Music, Songs, Dance, etc.)

  • Indigenous Film, Theater Performances, and Actors

  • ...etc.

The AIW 2025 will be hybrid so it will be possible to present papers online.

The AIW always has a current research session, where scholars and students can report about their most recent research. A Poster session is also welcomed especially for young scholars and doctoral or M. A. students.

Deadlines and procedures:

  • Please submit an abstract of your presentation (maximum 300 words including the name of the author(s), title, key words, examples, tables, figures, and references) and a short bio (100 words) by 1 September 2024 to the following email address:;

  • Authors should mention in the abstract whether they plan to present their paper online or in-person.

  • Abstracts must be submitted in MS Word format (*.doc or *.docx) and set in Times New Roman with a font size 12 pt. The text must be justified, with 1 line-spacing used for running text.

  • The organizers will notify acceptances by October 15, 2024.

  • Accepted papers will be grouped into thematic sessions;

  • The program will be available in mid-December on the dedicated conference website 46th. AIM website, which will be online shortly; in the meantime please consult the AIW site:

  • Presentations will last 20 minutes and be followed by discussion of 5-10 minutes.

  • The registration fee is €100 (€20 for students) for in-person and online participants.

We look forward to seeing you in Madrid in March 2025!

Contact Email: