American Indian Workshop

AIW Mailing List

Subscription to AIW Mailing List/Change of Email Options

To subscribe and unsubscribe to the mailing list, change your email-address or email options use link:

... or send an email to

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  1. The AIW mailing list (consisting of your email address and your first & last name) is maintained by netcup GmbH in Karlsruhe/Germany (
  2. This mailing list is also stored in form of an Excel file on the computer of Renate Bartl in Munich/Germany.
  3. This Excel file will periodically by forwarded to Markus Lindner (Frankfurt/Germany) who is adminstrating the AIW Facebook group.
  4. This Excel file will also be forwarded to the organizers of AIWs, in order to inform them about who has got their call for papers and further information they send out through the AIW mailing list.

In case you disagree with this, please unsubscribe from our mailing list:

How to mail information to the AIW mailing list

  1. Write your email in English.

  2. If possible, remove all (automatically added) advertisement lines from the bottom of your email message.

  3. You can add attachments of max. 1 MB to your email.

  4. Send your email to members[at]
    (Please do not add further email addresses into the "TO", "CC", or "BCC" field, this causes fatal bounce reactions!)

  5. Only persons listed with their email address on the AIW mailing list are permitted to send emails to the mail server. Please subscribe to the mailing list before you send an email to the list!

The email you have sent will be put on HOLD until the moderator releases it. This can take more than 24 hours.

In case of any problems, please contact the list moderator Renate Bartl

Your subscription has been disabled?

You get a message from the AIW mail server that your subscripton has been disabled?

There reason for this is that
free of charge email providers like yahoo.*, gmx.*, web.*, gmail.*, ymail.*, aol.*, verizon.*, etc., usually cause problems on the AIW mail server, because they allow only a limited number of emails the AIW mail server can send to their customers. This causes bounce emails to the AIW mail server telling him that the emails are not delivered anymore. In this case following message is sent back by your(!) email provider to the AIW mail server:
"Message not accepted due to failed RFC compliance [012] (in reply to end of DATA command)"

As the AIW mail server gets spammed with these bounce emails every time we send out an email, the mailing program deactivates bouncing email addresses after 5 bounce messages - informing you that your email account is disabled. This can also happen if you have activated an automatic out-of-office reply. The mail server is protecting itself from too many bounce messages and email traffic. Additionally we get blacklisted by spam filters which also causes bounce messages.

After 7 days your amail address will be activated again. If it still produces bounce messages then, you will be automatically unsubscribed from the AIW mail server after 5 further bounce messages.

We cannot do anything from the AIW side against this, as we cannot tell your email provider to change this.

What you can do is to contact your(!) email provider and tell them not to identify our emails as spam. Or you subscribe to the AIW mailing list with a different email address, preferably not from a free of charge provider!

You can handle you subscription to the mail server by using this link:
Please do create an account first, if you do not have one yet.


You have been unsubscribed from the AIW mail server?

After 5 bounce messages the AIW mail server disables your subscription (see above). Your subscription is automatically enabled again after 1 week. If your email ist still bouncing back then you are unsubscribed from the AIW mail server. You can subscribe again by going to and register there. If you subscribe with an email from a free of charge email provider, your settings will be set on digest mode.

How to advertize your publication(s) / exhibition catalogue(s)

In case you want to advertise your publication(s) please use our AIW bibliography databank [for AIW members only]:

AIW Discussion Group

For discussions please use our Facebook Group:

American Indian Workshop

(Only subscribers to the AIW Mailing List will be admitted to this Facebook group)

Discussion Network

As a discussion network on American Indians we also suggest: