every Thursday
Webinar Series Discover ArchaeologyCrow Canyon Archaeological Center |
February 12
Virtual Book Talk Colonization and the Wampanoag StoryAquinnah Cultural Center |
February 12
Book Launch Elements of Indigenous Style: Second EditionMcNally Robinson Booksellers |
Conference College Art Association of America (CAA) 113th Annual ConferenceNew York Hilton Midtown |
National Association of African American Studies / National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies / National Association of Native American Studies / International Association of Asian Studies (NAAAS) Conference 33rd Annual NAAAS & Affiliates National ConferenceCrowne Plaza Center |
Reaching for the Stars Indigenous Cinema on the RiseStuttgart/Germany |
Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (WSECS) Conference The Unwritten Word: Alternative Texts, Epistemologies & OntologiesUniversity of Colorado |
International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS) Conference Possible Futures in the AmericasCenter for Research of North America (CISAN), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) |
InDigital V: Indigenous Media across Abya Yala Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement with Digital and Electronic MediaCenter for Folklife and Cultural Heritage |
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA) Conference 46th Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture ConferenceIncl. Subject Area: Native American/Indigenous StudiesMarriott Albuquerque |
Meet the Author Red Earth Nation: A History of the Meskwaki SettlementThe Newberry |
Indigenous Learning Forum Following the Pines: Lumbee Mobility and Indian Identity in the Deep SouthAmerican Philosophical Society |
Symposium on A.I. and the Humanities and Social Science Fear, Faith, and Praxis: Artificial Intelligence, Humanities, and Social SciencesMichigan State University |
Florida Conference of Historians Meeting Florida Conference of Historians Annual MeetingCharlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center (CHECC) |
Mother Tongue Film Festival Finding BalanceSmithsonian Institution |
Special Exhibition The Language of Clay: Catawba Indian Pottery and Oral TraditionsMorris Center for Lowcountry Heritage |
Surviving Ensalavement During the War for New England, 1675-1676Tomaquag Museum |
Monthly Book Club Touch My Tear by Sarah Elizabeth SawyerTomaquag Museum |
Virtual Book Club Trickster: Native American Tales, A Graphic CollectionInstitute for American Indian Studies |
Repatriation Conference Igniting Change 2025Paragon Resort |
Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-speaking countries (GKS) The North changes, challenges, opportunitiesEmbassy of Canada to Germany |
Symposium RematriationSyracuse University |
International Interdisciplinary Conference Postmemory and the Contemporary WorldInMind Support |
Graduate Student Conference Connected World: A Global Perspective on Historical InteractionsHistory, Classics, and Religion Graduate Students' Association (HCRGSA), University of Alberta |
Meeting of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era 55th Annual Meeting of the Consortium on the Revolutionary EraAuburn University Hotel and Dixon Conference Center |
February 28
W. Brent Burgin Lunch and Learn Lecture Series Excavations at Sarabay: Unearthing the Center of a Mocama (Timucua) TownNative American Studies Center |
Scottish Association for the Study of America (SASA) Conference SASA Postgraduate WorkshopSASA 2025University of Edinburgh |
Event Indian Fair & MarketThe Heard Museum Grounds |
Special Exhibition I AM: Indigenous Ancestral MemoryHickory Museum of Art |
Special Exhibition Space Makers: Indigenous Expression and a New American ArtHeard Museum |
Dance Festival Coastal Dance Festival 2025: Ko Te ĀkauMuseum of Anthropology (MOA), University of British Columbia |
Conference The New World: The American Experience in Nineteenth-Century Czech and Central European CulturePilsen/Czech Republic |
Southeastern American Studies Association (SASA) Conference Timely ReflectionsInternational House Hotel |
Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA) Meeting (R)EVOLUTIONPhiladelphia Marriott Downtown |
Louisiana State University History Graduate Student Conference Southern PerspectivesLouisiana State University |
Special Exhibition Native Prospects: Indigeneity and LandscapeFarnsworth Art Museum |
Urban Native Education Conference Weaving Worlds: Collaborating X CommunitiesNewberry Library |
Symposium “Banned in Boston”: Histories of Artistic Censorship in New EnglandWellesley College |
March 09 |
Daylight Saving Time starts in USA and Canada |
Special Exhibition Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of DaylightEiteljorg Museum |
Special Exhibition Grounded In Clay: The Spirit of Pueblo Pottery
Conference Business Perspectives on Corporate AccountabilityNational University of Political Science and Public Administration (SNSPA) |
Louisiana Historical Association (LHA) Meeting 67th Louisiana Historical Association (LHA) Annual MeetingCrowne Plaza Executive Center |
Graduate Students Workshop New and Emerging Studies of the Spanish Colonial BorderlandsHuntington Library |
James A. Barnes Graduate History Conference 30th Annual James A. Barnes Graduate History ConferenceTemple University |
American Academy of Religion, Western Region Conference Performing Religions, Faith, and SpiritualityArizona State University |
Tulane NAIS Indigenous Studies Symposium Indigenous InnovationNative American and Indigenous Studies Program, Tulane University |
Special Exhibition Cara Romero. PhotographyArtSpace, North American Native Museum (NONAM) |
Indigenous Learning Forum Activating Nuxalk Ancestral Governance to Protect the Nuxalk Language with the American Philosophical Society (APS)American Philosophical Society |
Conference Southeast Native Studies ConferenceMuseum of the Southeast, Department of American Indian, University of North Carolina |
Special Exhibition Brenda Mallory: The North Star ChangesHallie Ford Museum of Art, Williamette University |
Indigenous wisdom: our connection and responsibility to waterTomaquag Museum |
Spring Academy Annual Interdisciplinary Spring Academy ConferenceHeidelberg Center for American Studies |
Monthly Book Club Wandering Stars by Tommy OrangeTomaquag Museum |
Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Annual Meeting Revitalizing Applied AnthropologyHilton Portland Downtown |
North American Indigenous Languages, Literature, and Culture & Current ResearchDpto. Filología Inglesa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) |
Meet the Author Imagining Indigenous FuturesThe Newberry |
Meeting American Catholic Historical Association Spring MeetingSt. Norbert College |
Conference Nineteenth Century Studies Association Fusions of Culture, Time, and SpaceSheraton New Orleans |
March 28
W. Brent Burgin Lunch and Learn Trickster Tales of Southeastern Native Americans: Creek, Catawba, and Cherokee StoriesNative American Studies Center, University of South Carolina |
March 28 - 29
Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 55th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century StudiesAmerican Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies |
Film Festival Espiello, International Ethnographic Film Fest of Sobrarbe / Espiello, Festival Internacional de Documental Etnográfico de SobrarbeBoltaña, Huesca/Spain |
March 30 |
Daylight Saving Time starts in Europe |
Endnotes Graduate Conference Solidarity and SpacesDepartment of English Language & Literatures, University of British Columbia |
World Social Science Association (WSSA) Conference 67th Annual World Social Science Association (WSSA) ConferenceSheraton Gran |
International and Interdisciplinary Spring School Human Differentiation. Understanding the Cultural Making of Human CategoriesJohannes Gutenberg University |
Workshop of the Ecocritical Network for Scandinavian Studies (ENSCAN) Postcolonial Ecocriticism and Indigenous Environmental Justice:
Pandora Pop Theater Performance The FrontierHoch X Theater |
Conference Organization of American Historians (OAH) Conference on American HistorySheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk |
Ozarks Studies Association (OSA) Meeting Ozarks Studies Association (OSA) MeetingHistoric Cane Hill |
Special Exhibition Bob Haozous: A Retrospective ViewHeard Museum |
Storytellers Conference Storytelling Through Art, Language and ActionNiagara Falls Convention Center |
Spanish Association of American Studies (SAAS) Conference American Dreams, American Nightmares, American FantasiesUniversity of Alicante |
International Conference Victorian and American Myths in Video GamesColégio Almada Negreiros, NOVA University Lisbon School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA-FCSH) |
American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) Annual Conference Forging Environments: Confluence, Resilience, IntersectionalityPittsburgh, PA/USA |
International Conference Individual and Collective Experiences of Place: Attachment, Belonging and ParticipationUniversité de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) |
Conference 1775: A Society on the Brink of War and RevolutionConcord Museum |
Cushwa Center 50th Anniversary Conference Catholic Modernity in the AmericasCushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame |
Special Exhibitions & Events It takes a long time to stay here: Paintings by Jordan Ann CraigThe Block Museum, Northwestern University |
Popular Culture Association (PCA) National Conference Popular Culture Association (PCA) 55th National ConferenceSubject Area: American Indian Literatures and CulturesNew Orleans Marriott |
Connections Conference LandscapesDepartment of English, University of California |
Special Exhibition Harry Fonseca: TransformationsHeard Museum |
Symposium Rethinking the Indian WarsArizona Historical Society |
International Seminar & Congress & Workshops Pre-Conference WorkshopFaculty of Arts and Communication & Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Holguin *** XIXth International Seminar on Canadian Studies (secan2025) &XIXth International Congress on Foreign Languages, Communication and Culture (wefla2025)Brisas-Guardalavaca Hotel *** Post-Conference WorkshopFaculty of Arts and Communication & Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Holguin |
Colloquium Creole Culture and Identity in Upper LouisianaWashington University |
British Association for American Studies (BAAS) Conference British Association for American Studies (BAAS) Annual ConferenceUniversity of Hertfordshire |
International Seminar & Congress & Workshops XIXth International Seminar on Canadian Studies (secan2025) &XIXth International Congress on Foreign Languages, Communication and Culture (wefla2025)Brisas-Guardalavaca Hotel |
Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) Nationalism and BordersCentral European University (CEU) |
British Association for Canadian Studies (BACS) Conference Canada: Past, Present, FutureEdinburgh, Scottland/UK |
W. Brent Burgin Lunch and Learn Lecture Series To Take Shape and Meaning: Form and Design in Contemporary American Indian ArtNative American Studies Center |
Dakota Conference Settling and Resettling the PlainsCWS Fantle Building, Augustana University |
Conference Conference on Race, Racialization, and Resistance: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and HumanitiesSeattle University |
Sequan: Historical Perpetuity Through Relations and TimeTomaquag Museum |
Conference Plunder, Pillage and Spoils of War in History and LawRoyal Armouries Museum |
Monthly Book Club Becoming Kin by Patty KrawecTomaquag Museum |
Conference Where is Early America?McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania |
Workshop Paper People: Documentation, Identity, and Citizenship in U.S. HistoryNorthwestern University |
Conference Inland Empire People's History ConferenceCalifornia State University |
International Conference Decolonising Cultural Heritage: State of the Art, Methodologies, and PracticesUniversity for Foreigners |
Indigenous Learning Forum “Akiinziitookw - Let's Read Together!” Collaborative Interpretation of Moravian Munsee Lenape Manuscripts and Ancestral Voices at Harvard’s Houghton Library"American Philosophical Society |
Special Exhibition: Central Massachusetts Artist Initiative Installation Scott Strong Hawk FosterWorcester Art Museum |
Conference Narrative Matters 2025: Disparate Narrative Worlds: Crisis, Conflict, and the Possibility of HopeThe American University of Paris & Université Paris Cité |
World Congress of the International American Studies Association (IASA) Visual Americas: Image, Text, PerformanceHacettepe University, Beytepe Campus |
North American Society for Oceanic History Conference Continental Connections: Inland Waters and the Shaping of Maritime North AmericaGrand Hotel |
Conference War College of the Seven Years’ WarFort Ticonderoga, NY/USA |
Conference of the French Association of American Studies (AFEA) ResistanceUniversité de Picardie Jules Verne |
Conference A Water’s History of the United StatesRoosevelt Institute for American Studies |
Conference The Relational Turn in the Literary Anglosphere: Writing Connection and InterdependenceFaculty of Arts and Letters at the University of Zaragoza |
Conference of the American Literature Association (ALA) 36th Annual Conference of the American Literature AssociationThe Westin Copley Place |
International Workshop Decolonizing comparison. Trans-Indigenous readings of contemporary literature from Canada and the rest of the AmericasUniversité du Québec |
Vine Deloria, Jr. Indigenous Studies Symposium The World we used to live in: Acknowledging our past and the fight for indigenous sovereigntyNorthwest Indian College, Lummi Campus |
Interdisciplinary Conference GHOSTS! A Conversation on the UnrealMulhouse, Alsace/France |
Study Day Indigenous oral traditions facing the European presence in America: issues, methods and pitfallsMonastère de l’Hôpital Général de Québec |
Workshop International Perspectives on Indigenous Transnational ExperiencesCharles University |
Confrerence Real and Imagined Spaces in FilmFacultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza |
Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society Representations of Empire: Art, Museums, International ExposBuffalo State University & University of Buffalo |
Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) |
Garden and Landscape Themed Mount Vernon Symposium "Judiciously Cultivated:" Revolutionary Gardens, Future VisionsMount Vernon, VA/USA |
Film + Media Arts Festival imagineNATIVEToronto, ON/Canada |
International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) Congress UnwritingElphinstone Institute for Ethnology, Folklore, and Ethnomusicology, University of Aberdeen |
Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS) Conference AspirationsUniversity of Turku |
New York History Conference Constructing the Empire State: Innovation, Environment, and Imagination in New York HistoryCultural Education Center, Empire State Plaza |
Agricultural History Society Annual Meeting Ebbs and Flows, Water and AgricultureSt. Paul, MN/USA |
Conference of the Society of Early Americanists Fourteenth Biennial Conference of the Society of Early AmericanistsUniversity of Notre Dame |
Southern History Workshop Coming through the Fire: Change and Continuity in the American SouthUniversity of Edinburgh |
International Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena Celestial Connections Across Time and SpaceQueen's University |
International Academic Conference Human: Language, Society, CultureInstitute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Daugavpils University |
Pre-Conference Workshop Resisting EnslavementOmohundro Institute Conference Currents and Exchanges in Vast Early AmericaCarolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World (CLAW) Program, College of Charleston |
German Association for American Studies (GAAS) Annual Meeting Archiving America/American ArchivesSiegen University |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassChrysler Museum of Art |
Finnish Anthropological Society Conference ComparisonsHelsinki/Finland |
Conference of the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH) Human/Nature Entanglements in Cultural HistoryUniversity of Lapland |
Annual Congress of the Réseau Européen pour le Développement de l’Histoire de la Jeune Amérique (REDEHJA) Conference Spaces of power and contestation in early America, 1607-1860Nantes Université |
International Congress of the Association Française d'Études Canadiennes Knowledge, issues, practices and prospects for young researchers in Canadian studiesUniversité Grenoble Alpes & Centre d'Études Canadiennes |
International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society Fragile Meanings: Vulnerability in the Study of Religions and SpiritualitySapienza University of Rome |
Southern Association for Women Historians (SAWH) Conference Unspeakable ChallengesBethune-Cookman University |
Folklore Society Annual Conference Folklore and the SensesDepartment of Folklore and Ethnology, University College |
"Our Communion Day” Illuminating the Legacy of Tribal ChurchesTomaquag Museum |
Conference of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture (ISSRNC) Crossing Borders, Transgressing Boundaries: Religion, Migration, and Climate ChangeUniversity of California |
Summer School Critical Canadian Studies Summer SchoolGlendon campus, York University |
Summer Institute Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology (SIMA)National Museum of Natural History |
International Conference XX International Conference on Minority Languages / 20° Congreso Internacional de Lenguas MinoritariasUniversidad Externado de Colombia |
International Conference Convalescence in 19th- and 20th-century anglophone literatureCRINI, Nantes Université & Daulat Ram College, Delhi University |
International Conference Light and Darkness: Imaging the Night in the British EmpireOxford Brookes University |
Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAISA) Meeting Roots and OriginsOmni Oklahoma City Hotel |
Global Meeting Slavery Past, Present & FutureFree University (Vrije Universiteit) |
Heidelberg Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities (HGGS) Summer Forum Us and ThemHeidelberg Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities, Heidelberg University |
Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Recalling the Revolution in New EnglandHistoric Deerfield |
Conference by and for the Museum Publishing Community National Museum Publishing Seminar (NMPS)Marriott Waterfront Hotel |
International Congress of Americanists (ICA) New challenges, New spacesUniversity of Novi Sad |
International Interdisciplinary Conference The Agency of the Dead in the lives of Individuals: Reasons, Triggers, and ContextsFaculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana |
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Conference Collective Atmospheres: Air, Intimacy, and InequalityUniversity of Maryland |
Legal Histories of Empire IV Conference Empires in TouchSt Michael’s College, University of Toronto |
Conference Frontiers before borders: Perceptions of boundaries, territory and space in the past and presentTrinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute, Trinity College |
Special Exhibition Sublime Light: Tapestry Art of DY BegayNational Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) |
Special Exhibitions & Events Woven Being: Art for Zhegagoynak/ChicagolandThe Block Museum, Northwestern University |
Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia (APA) Congress ItineranciesIPVC School of Management and Technology, Polytechnic Institute |
Memory Studies Association (MSA) Annual Conference Beyond Crises: Resilience and (In)stabilityCharles University & Czech Academy of Sciences |
Annual Meeting & Brooks Forum of the St. George Tucker SocietyClemson University |
Special Exhibition This Land Calls Us HomeWoodruff Library, Emory University |
The Narraganset Chief, or the Adventures of a Wanderer’: Recovering an Indigenous AutobiographyTomaquag Museum |
Symposium Outdoor Recreation History in the North American WestCharles Redd Center for Western Studies, Bringham Young University |
Special Exhibition Cara Romero: Panûpünüwügai (Living Light)Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth |
Nordic Association for Canadian Studies (NACS) / Association nordique d’études canadiennes (ANEC) NACS-XIV 2025 Canadian Studies ConferenceCanadian Studies Centre, Aarhus University |
Indian Market Santa Fe Indian MarketSanta Fe Plaza, |
Special Exhibition Move. Indigenous Cultures in MotionNorth America Native Museum (NONAM) |
Association for Philosophy and Literature Conference Borders / Dialectics / CivilityGoethe-Universität |
[TBA] with Chris Newell (Passamaquoddy)Tomaquag Museum |
Roundtable Discussion Race in the Multiethnic Literature ClassroomVirginia Commonwealth University, College of Humanities and Sciences, Humanities Research Center |
Summer Academy of Atlantic History Revolutions in the Atlantic World (1750-1840)Casa de Retiros |
Eighth European Congress on Universal and Global History Critical Global Histories: Methodological Reflections and Thematic ExpansionsLinnaeus University |
Associazione Italiana di Studi Nord-American (AISNA) Conference Facing West: Thinking, Living, Outliving the American WestDepartment of Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of Bergamo |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassChrysler Museum of Art |
Special Exhibition The Shape of Power: Stories of Race and American SculptureSmithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) |
Special Exhibition People of the Waters that Are Never Still: A Celebration of Mohican Art and CultureAlbany Institute of History & Art |
International Conference on the Inclusive Museum Museums, Galleries, and Archives: Engines of Innovation and Social ParticipationUniversity of San Jorge |
International Oral History Association Conference Re-thinkig Oral HistoryJagiellonian University in Kraków |
Congress of Polish Association for Canadian Studies Healing, Well-Being, and Care Canadian perspectivesUniversity of Silesia |
Conference 60th Northern Great Plains History ConferenceMinnesota State University |
Conference Present from the Start: People of Color in Connecticut’s Revolutionary Era, 1763-1836Student Center, Eastern Connecticut State University |
Land Dispossession After King Philips WarTomaquag Museum |
Poetry Downtown Festival Look At Us: John TrudellOmaha, NE/Denver, CO / San Francisco & San Jose, CA/USA |
Symposium Indigenous Histories and Crossings in an Age of Global ChangeUniversity of New Mexico |
German Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology (DGSKA) Conference Un/Commoning AnthropologyUniversity of Cologne |
September 30 |
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (Canada) |
Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS) Conference Ruptures, Fractures, Discontinuities: Troubling American StudiesUniversity of Vienna |
International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM2025) Moving Forward, Standing StrongHarrah’s Cherokee Casino and Resort |
Gulf South Historical Association Conference Annual Gulf South History and Humanities ConferenceCrowne Plaza Hotel |
International Symposium California as the Epicenter of Social SciencesCondorcet campus, EHESS |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassNational Museum of the American Indian |
October 26 |
Daylight Saving Time ends in Europe |
Forging FreedomTomaquag Museum |
November 01 - 30 |
National American Indian Heritage Month (USA) |
November 02 |
Daylight Saving Time ends in USA and Canada |
November 07 |
International Inuit Day |
Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) Canada: Spaces of ChangeHyatt at Olive 8 |
American Anthropological Society (AAA) Meeting Ghosts. Apparitions. Spirits. Specters.New Orleans, LA |
Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA) Late-stage American Empire?Puerto Rico Convention Center |
Slaves to Soldiers [book discussion]Tomaquag Museum |
Special Exhibition Indigenous Identities: Here, Now & AlwaysZimmerli Art Museum |
Special Exhibition Unbound: Narrative Art of the PlainsNational Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) |
Special Exhibition Cara Romero: Panûpünüwügai (Living Light)Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth |
March 08 |
Daylight Saving Time starts in USA and Canada |
University of Chicago & University of Hong Kong & David Center for the American Revolution (American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA/USA) Conference Global 1776: Imperial Worlds in UpheavalUniversity of Hong Kong |
March 29 |
Daylight Saving Time starts in Europe |
Conference Organization of American Historians (OAH) Conference on American HistoryPhiladelphia Marriott Downtown |
Special Exhibition Entwined: Freedom, Sovereignty, and the SeaMystic Seaport Museum |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassNational Museum of the American Indian |
47th American Indian WorkshopTitle [tba]Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, University of Geneva |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassMingei International Museum |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassMingei International Museum |
September 30 |
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (Canada) |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassNorthwest Museum of Arts and Culture |
October 25 |
Daylight Saving Time ends in Europe |
November 01 |
Daylight Saving Time ends in USA and Canada |
November 01 - 30 |
National American Indian Heritage Month (USA) |
November 07 |
International Inuit Day |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassNorthwest Museum of Arts and Culture |
March 14 |
Daylight Saving Time starts in USA and Canada |
March 28 |
Daylight Saving Time starts in Europe |
Conference Organization of American Historians (OAH) Conference on American History
September 30 |
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (Canada) |
October 31 |
Daylight Saving Time ends in Europe |
November 07 |
Daylight Saving Time ends in USA and Canada |
November 07 |
International Inuit Day |
Special Exhibition Nation to Nation: Treaties Between the United States and American Indian NationsNational Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) |
March 29 |
Daylight Saving Time starts in Europe |
October 29 |
Daylight Saving Time ends in Europe |
Traveling Art Exhibition Clearly Indigenous: Native Visions Reimagined in GlassKalamazoo Institute of Arts |
For further European conferences on the Americas please visit the EAAS webpage:
For promotion of your special exhibition/event/conference/congress in the USA and Canada you can also use:
H-AMINDIAN <https://networks.h-net.org/h-amindian>
H-ANNOUNCE <https://networks.h-net.org/h-announce>
[In case you want your special exhibition/event/conference/congress to be listed on this webpage, please send info and link to bartl@american-indian-workshop.org]